Use inline css helpers by classes

<!-- Add margin-top of 25px -->
<div class="mt25"></div>
<!-- Add font-size of of 14pt -->
<div class="fs14pt">hello!</div>
<!-- Combine helpers -->
<div class="fs30 mt25 mb0 ml50px br30%">hello!</div>

// use without jquery
var scope = window.document.getElementById('container');

// with jquery
var scope = $('#container');

Try it

Open console (F12) and write


now start setting helpers in element class attributes


t  => top
b  => bottom
l  => left
r  => right

w  => width
h  => height

p  => padding
m  => margin

br => borderRadius
fs => font-size
fw => font-weight
lh => line-height

mt => margin-top
mb => margin-bottom
ml => margin-left
mr => margin-right

pt => padding-top
pb => padding-bottom
pl => padding-left
pr => padding-right